Monday, September 29, 2008
We've lost one of the Great Ones

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Bikes Blues and BBQ

Just spent a very long weekend in Arkansas - touring the countryside and sampling a bit of the motorcycle rally.
What a fun and relaxing time we had too, heading out last Wednesday morning and coming home Sunday afternoon. The newspapers said that close to 400,000 folk came out for the event - and they could be right, but we went down to Fayetteville three times and each time, the streets were packed with people and there were bikes everywhere. One day, we went up to War Eagle Mill - they have a huge craft fair each year and I would love to make it sometime but it will definately have to be a car / truck trip and not a motorcycle unless I plan to mail alot of packages back home! ♥ As I crossed the bridge that goes over a wide stream, I couldn't help but notice all of the spider webs. Since my last run in on my deck a few weeks back, I've become entranced with them. In one section of the bridge, I counted 10 webs all together - in all sizes but each one beautifully intricate.
Below the bridge, a flock of ducks seemed to love playing in the water - and didn't mind that their pictures were taken either :)
After reviewing my photos, I've come to realize that my camera seems to focus on old farmhouses & barns, churches and graveyards more than anything else. I would love to take some time to walk through an old graveyard sometime and pay my respects, but I hesitate to ask the other 10 or 12 folks riding with us for fear that they'd think I went over the edge. These treasures that we ride past on our ventures in the countryside have always captured my attention and curiousity.
One day trip took us to Jasper, Arkansas and both hubs and myself decided that we could retire to this lovely spot on God's good earth quite easily. This is known as the Grand Canyon of Arkansas and I'm here to tell you, the view is breathtaking! This photo does not do justice to what you behold in person.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Keeping the Path Lit

We are leaving town tomorrow morning for an extended weekend trip to Arkansas for the Bikes, Blues and BBQ motorcycle rally, so I really didn't have time to sit down and watch a movie with all of the "to do's" on my list.
But I have to say, I'm so very glad I took the time - because I watched the most wonderful movie and whole-heartedly recommend it for anyone of any age!
It's called Young@Heart and is a documentary about a group of folks from Northampton, MA, who perform songs we all know and love. But these aren't just a group of punk roust-abouts trying to earn a living playing grunge in the garage and I assure you, this documentary is FAR from long and boring!
These tenderhearted folk LOVE and ADORE what they are doing - and what makes them so very endearing is the fact that this group that gathers together 3 times a week without fail to learn new songs by the likes of the Clash, Sonic Youth and the Ramones (and YES, even my JIMI!!) are composed of 22 senior citizens whose average age is 80.
I hold a high reverence for my seasoned friends and family - they have so much wisdom and insight, and I can think of nothing I would love more than to be the road manager for this group of lovely folk who are so full of life and love!
I urge you to take 2 hours out of your busy schedule to indulge in the delights of this cinematic endeavor. It will have you laughing, crying and singing along!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
In Remembrance ♥

Thursday, September 18, 2008
What a bunch of Bullies!!
My friend Sarah has been put through the wringer ever since she accepted the nomination of Vice President and I think there are alot of folks out there who should hang their head in shame at the way they have been treating her and her family.
This morning when I got up and heard that someone had hacked into her private email account - looking for dirt no doubt, my mind went immediately to the underhanded dealings of Watergate. You know, if I didnt know better, I'd say there are a whole bunch of folks are running scared.
Too bad the worse thing they could come up with was pictures of her family and some chitty chat with girlfriends.
Anyway, I felt like the girl could use a warm embrace and a purdy lil flower. I'm offering the same flower that was given to me by my bud, Janet of Beecharmers Cottage! Hope you like it, Sarah ♥
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Seven Years Ago

I remember the wonderful surge was so high with American Patriotism that ran for months afterwards! It was reminiscent of the days when I was growing up, when we held a High Reverence for our God, our land and each other.
Let us never forget that horrible day - and how the words of old rang so true:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wheeeeee Doggies! What a Haul ♥

TDIPT swaps are unlike any other I have ever been a part of. They turn into gift boxes that could be guilded in gold for all the wonderful keepsakes inside!
So, about 3 weeks ago, Starla emailed me to say that she had mailed my box out but because of the size, she sent it parcel post to avoid giving the post office $30+ to ship it off the Kansas City. (*rubbing hands together* ... did she just say it was TOO BIG? muwahahahaha)
Yup... they estimated it would take 5 - 10 business days to arrive from TN to KC - and boy did they miss the mark on that deadline. Starla's box arrived last Monday and my hubs called to tell me it had arrived. I guess he was tired of me calling and pestering him everyday to see if my package arrived. When I finally got the call from him, he informed me that my box was pretty banged up. *GASP*.... I was on pins and needles all the way home and I know Starla's heart had been in her throat just fretting for 3 weeks if it was even going to make it. I sure didn't want to tell her that everything was in pieces when it finally arrived! On my way home, I calmed myself down and thought that maybe Darrell just overexaggerated a bit. Nope... he underexaggerated it :(
This is what was waiting for me on the kitchen counter:

How do you spell
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What a Wicked Web We Weave

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sun and Sugars

Friday, September 5, 2008
♥ Miracles For Mallory ♥

- Where will bidding take place? Bidding will be at Miracles for Mallory, the official website.
- Click on the bid section of the website to see all the handmade items these talented women have so graciously donated.
- When will bidding start & end? Bidding will start September 7th at 12am and will continue through September 14th midnight.
- How will bidding work? Bidding will be done by email. Click on the "bid" button to email in a bid on that product. All bids will be tracked by item number. Please include the item number in your subject line when emailing. This is a silent auction and bidding will remain anonymous, those whom bid will know if they are the highest bidder with a confirmation of bid email from us.
- How will shipping work? Shipping will be calculated upon the end of auction and then send out an invoice. If you would like a shipping quote, the artist will be contacted to quote shipping. This has been left that up to the artist themselves, as some items might be heavy or require special care, so please ask upon bidding if you have a shipping question.

So that's it folks ... I hope and pray you will check out all of the wonderful offerings come Sunday, the 7th ...
Please, bid often and bid with a gracious heart.
Remember, 100% of all money will go to this
wonderful and worthy charity!
From the Response...

Should we stop off for a bit of low impact aerobics before our pampering?

Dont forget to stay hydrated!!
And remember, when you are picking up your medicine balls, never bend at the waist!
We don't need any detours to the Chiropractor!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Ever have one of those days
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
How Can I Say Thank You Enough ?
With commitments and commissions and swaps and charity auctions, I have spent every moment either working on a piece of thinking about what to do next - anyway, I've been given some awesome awards and I need to stop and thank my dear friends for the recognition and the kindness they have extended.

Girls, your talent runs so deep - you are all so very gifted and you have blessed me so many times over with your true hearts and boundless friendships. Thanks for honoring me so deeply!
Monday, September 1, 2008
♥ Meet Cinnamon ♥
Where did the weekend go?
It feels like I've either been on the back of a motorcycle or locked away in the dungeon finishing up my commitments and I'm happy to say (knock on wood) that I'm getting VERY close to completion.
I did manage to finish sweet Cinnamon (Cinnie for short) and after working with this sweet young'un, it's going to be a little hard to ship her off to Texas. But, I know she will have a very good home there and so I wave goodbye with tears in my eyes but a smile on my face.
Thanks so much for your suggestions regarding her flower petals ... I was just having a bit of trouble because of the length of the petals, especially after I waxed them. But I really am happy with the finishing touches and present her to you now.
On a totally unrelated side note, I've just got to thank the Lord that Gustov lost his punch before hitting land! What an answer to prayer ♥