What a time we've had this long weekend ... it's been non-stop going since Friday morning, so I'll just run through a few highlights of the last few days.
Friday we got together with friends for a movie and dinner at my house. We watched State of Play - great movie, a real intense run for your money!

On Saturday evening, we hooked up with our old BBQ competition friends that we havent seen in 15 or 16 yrs. What a great evening together - we laughed till we cried and vowed to do this more regularly. I met up with the youngest Bevan, Carly a few weeks back when I learned she works at one of the restaurants we frequent. She was maybe 10 the last time I saw her and what a beauty she has become....

but then, check out her adorable parents - Debbie hasn't changed a bit and Danny is just as fun and funny as ever! What a blast it was catching up with everything we have done over the last 15 yrs.
You may not realize it, but sharing specs is something that turns into a community thing at our age ♥


On Sunday we took a drive over to Cassoday KS. Cassoday is a very small town of about 100 residents that sponsor a bike rally the first Sunday of every month from March thru October. We've tried going for several months and finally made it today - despite riding through dense fog as thick as pea soup for most of the morning.
It was a fun ride and I'll just share a few of my favorite pics with you... this was me and hubs cutting through the fog! My jeans were soaking wet from the knees down when we stopped for coffee 1/2 way there. It was about a 3 1/2 hour ride and the fog didnt even start letting up till about 11am.

Hubs is head over heels ga-ga with Indian motorcycles and is getting the hard sale from a dealer who brought a couple demos over from Wichita. In case you are wondering... no, that isn't fog in the air - its BBQ SMOKE!! :)
I thought this was a cute shirt and asked if I could take his picture... I could see my dad wearing something like this in his day! lol
I thought this was a cute shirt and asked if I could take his picture... I could see my dad wearing something like this in his day! lol

STRETCH TRIKE??? and then... a classic!


On Monday, we went to another friends house for a huge bbq - the grill master was hard at work cooking everything to perfection. We had so many sides and desserts, it was hard to say no to so many good things. The kind of get-together that makes for a very happy Cookie.... lots of kids, lots of good food and lots of beautiful weather!

What a great weekend you had. My hubs would be crazy over some of those bikes. Thanks for the great post.
Good food good and good friends, doesnt get any better. Love the old bike!
Wowzers Cook! You & Darrell have been some Merry Travelers lately! Great Pics. Looks like a Blast...but then Anywhere you are is a BLAST, GF! :) Hugs, Starla
oh, it looks like you had a wonderful time Cookie! I'm so envious! I love seeing all the pics, and all the different bikes and people, but most of all enjoyed the pic of you and your friend just laughing. There is just nothing like true sincere woman to woman laughter, is there?
Thank you for sharing.
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