Yesterday was a GREAT day!

My best friend and I had lost touch with each other over the last 20 years or more. I can't really say how it happened... it just did. We met during our freshman year in high school through another friend and instantly bonded. We were 2 peas in a pod and everywhere one was... you would find the other.
Thea was born in Holland and moved to my town via Indiana. She was as "international" as anyone I had ever met and if her birthright wasn't impressive enough, she had 4 middle names! (she was named after every aunt in the family tree, I think - and when I would introduce her, it was always as my bff "Thea Corida Theadora Ingrid Jaqueline...."
This was high falutin' stuff for a small town midwest girl like me - and oh, the shenanigans we got into would make any mother's mouth drop. We graduated high school and went on to live together for several years until I met my future hubs and moved to Colorado. Even after that, she was living in Florida and moved to Colorado to live with us for a good amount of time.
I happened to be on facebook and did a search not knowing if she was going by her married name or maiden name or if she was on there at all. No "Thea" was found on the search - however her son popped up and through a course of messages, Thea and I connected and yesterday we finally were able to meet.
What a grand afternoon it was too - full of a gazillion "remember when we..." moments and the best thing of all ? Her boyfriend and she ride - so we not only got to sit around and reminisce, but we took a nice long ride in the country too!
I don't remember a day when I laughed so hard and smiled so wide. I probably looked like the village idiot to passersby, but I'm sure they would understand my joy if they were ever reunited with someone so dear.
And the icing on the cake was walking in our nice cool house after a long day in the sun to find my Tuck posed on the steps - just waiting for our arrival. Sorry, I really dont play favorites, but Nip was busy in the kitchen crying to be fed and would not sit still for a photo session!