Some years after my mom passed away, my dad had remarried and the house he was living in had an explosion. So many treasures from my family were lost in the fire and I'm so very thankful to have salvaged a few photos from my parents collection of our family.
It could be from my recently creating "Grandpa's Little Monkey" but whatever the reason, my mind has been drifting back to days gone by, when my biggest worry was when summer would be over and we'd have to head back to school. ♥
I thought it would be fun to share a few of the pictures that my hubs has scanned for me - some of my family and some of his.
Here is a picture of my pop, as a child with his parents -
I love the expression on his face ...
Here he is as a handsome sailor in uniform -
... and another where he is surrounded by his some of his sisters and neices and nephews. My dad was the youngest of 9 kids, so there were always lots of folks at all of our family gatherings!
This is my mom, Marjorie and her older sister Winona

Here I am with my Grandpa and Grandma Lynch - I dont remember a whole lot about them, except drinking coffee out of those depression green glass coffee cups and making Sausage Biscuits with her in the kitchen.
My brothers and me at Christmas

I call this one "a happy Cookie" ♥

My hubs father - sweet Patriotic Phil :)
Phil and his mom - shoot 'em up cowboy!
Phil and his dog - isn't this a great picture?
and lastly ... Phil rides off into the sunset ♥
Happy Trails!
Oh what fun! I just love the old photos, Cookie. Thanks for sharing them - Deb
I love those photos and can't thank'ee enough for sharing them! You have a wealth of lovely memories there!
Cookie, I just LOVE your old family photos! What treasures you have there! The pics of you are adorable, but I especially like the pics of Phil! So sweet! Thanks for sharing those, buddy. Hugs, Starla :)
Love all the old photos, but I must admit that my fav was you in the circle skirt, too cute. Renea
Oh sugar Cookie, your posts are so wonderful!! I just loved the photos, Thank you for sharing...Hugs, MO
Oh Cookie those pictures are great. Isn`t wonderful to be able to step back in time if only for a moment. Thank you for sharing a part of you with us :)
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