Now, I'm sure most of you are familiar with her work, but if not I really encourage you to go to her website and check out all of her wonderful work! She makes the most awesome signs and gameboards - so you can imagine how my heart was racing to get this box open!!
There was a note inside saying something to the extent that she didnt see any gameboards in all of my pictures of my home and hoped I would find a spot for these things! So that is exactly what I did, right then and there! Let me just show you what I received and where I put them ...
A couple of years ago, I found a sweet little wooden table that was getting tossed out from a Boy Scout auction, and knew I needed to rescue it and bring it home. Now it sits in the corner of my dining room, filled with some of my favorite treasures like a framed sampler, several prized wax goods from Beecharmers Cottage, a grain scoop filled with pips, berries and the sweetest little Onion Patch mousie perched up on a strawberry, and now, on the lower shelf, I have a Goldiloo chunky sign to finish the ensemble!

I found a spot in my kitchen for both of her handiworks - it's the room I spend the most time in, it seems and that way, I can admire them always!

Oh, by the way... if you like these pieces, you can find them on ebay right now! I love mine and know you would too!!

Those gameboards are a unique idea, how clever of Goldiloo to realize every farmhouse would have had at least one! I love how you have yours displayed!
awww Thank you Cookie ! You way too kind sweet pea!
I loveeee your old wood tote and candy molds, if I were at your house I might have to see if they would fit in my purse. ;)heheheeee
Cookie, hullo! Haven't been here in forever and wanted to stop by and say hi! Just loving your pictures and everything lookin' good!
Take care,
Hey ya Cooks! You Lucky Ducky you. :) LOVE your Goodies from Pammy! She is my most Favorite Gameboard & Sign Maker of all times. Your House is always Beautiful. Thanks for sharing your treats with us. Hugs, Starla :)
Yeppers you be a lucky duck! My oh my I have admired the works( painting) of goldieloo works for some time now. One of these days the pennies will all come together and I will get me a sign. I want her to make me a special one just for me.
congrats my dear and love where you put it all.
p.s. I got my studio cleaned if ya wanna peek. Nothing fancy but clean just the same.
you are a lucky one for sure! Pams work is the best, and you've displayed it so nicely! Yep, it was meant for you!
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