Thursday, July 14, 2011


 A picture is worth a thousand words ... 
draw your own conclusions!


Hanni said...

Is this picture for real or staged? Sad isn't it. Two quilty of such terrible crimes. Where is justice?

bayrayschild said...

Oh wow, you and I were thinking along the same lines.

Birds of a feather.

What really rubs salt into the wound is that she will probably $$gain$$ from all of this and have that "Beautiful Life" she was seeking.


Cookie said...

the picture has been photoshopped... but in this crazy world, nothing is impossible. Audrey - you are so right! It's what I've been sickened by the whole trial, knowing many will make this girl rich and famous and one day, I'm sure she will be on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.
Very sad business, but she will answer to the Highest Authority for everything one day - there's no getting around that!

Carol Roll said...

Yikes! I hope she has some shame and just quietly goes on with her life. But man I'd be scared to be her neighbor or co worker.

Bon said...

I can not, for the life of me, understand why these jurors didn't use some "common sense" in coming to their verdict. Scott Peterson's jury had only circumstantial evidence...and also NO cause of death, and did the right thing! They will have to live with this verdict. If just ONE had the courage to stand their ground...things would be so much different.