Here he is as a handsome sailor in uniform -
... and another where he is surrounded by his some of his sisters and neices and nephews. My dad was the youngest of 9 kids, so there were always lots of folks at all of our family gatherings!
Phil and his mom - shoot 'em up cowboy!
and lastly ... Phil rides off into the sunset ♥
Happy Trails!
But this wasn't just a ho-hum movie - it was a masterpiece called "SEVEN POUNDS" with Will Smith in the lead role.
Now I must say this outright - when we decided what movie to go to, I didn't know too much about the show. From the previews, I thought it was a tax man who was investigating people, making good and lasting impressions on their life. A good storyline - but not the type that just reaches out and grabs you.
Blame it on the advertising for the movie - but in hindsight, I now understand they could not reveal too much in previews without giving away some important details as the movie plays out.
I also determined myself (in advance) NOT to review or dig up any information about the background on the film - I wanted to be caught totally off guard.
Holy smokes - what I saw nearly blew my socks off!! This movie has been on my mind all night and (as you can see) STILL leaves a lasting impression on my mind and heart.
If you haven't seen it, do yourself a huge favor: clear just 2 hours out of your calendar this weekend and GO directly to the theatre. Do not read any reviews, do not research the movie online. GO - with no other indication about the film except that it will rock your world ... and *minor detail* .... grab a handful of kleenex as you head out the door.
I HIGHLY recommend this movie - I am so glad that I started 2010 with the sentiment that this movie has left on my heart!