Seems I have some catching up to do... and friends, I promise to get to all the things I need to get to - this weekend!
I have been tagged by a couple of very dear friends - Blondie of Vintage Primitives and Suzanne of Pear Tree Prims.
I am to present a six word memoir that sums up my life.
Ernest Hemingway was bet $10 that he couldn't sum up his life in six words. He won that bet when he wrote, "For sale, baby shoes, never worn."
wow - Six words that sum up my life....
I've thought and thought about this - 6 words is hard to do! I could tell you all about how I'm always continually late, stubborn, bullheaded, too independent at times, full of mischief and practical jokes, or how I was a spoiled little girl who wouldn't smile for the camera because my brother got to hold the kitty on the first day of school - but instead, I think I'll leave it at this simple summary:
If God had not made plans for me before the foundations of the world, I would be lost and alone today. But instead, I joyfully rejoice each day in knowing I have a personal relationship with Him and love calling out ABBA, FATHER!
Now the rules are:
1. Write your own six word memoir
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere
4. Tag five more blogs with links
5.Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
I am tagging the following fab friends:
1. Goob - CountryFolk Keepsakes
2. Bee - Pond Creek Primitives
3. Paula and Tammie - Primitive Sisters
4. Nancy - Vintage Whimsey & Folkart
5. Flora - Bone Head Studios
Cookie what a lovely lovely post!
I can only hope to make mine as lovely as yours.
Thanks Goob!! I love your 6 word memoir!
I would say mine is "Keep on the sunnyside of life." :> )
Ok Cookie you are going to make us work our brains! I will try to think of something and make Paula do it too! Six words is hard to do! Thanks for thinking of us! Smile! Tammie
Hey, Cookie ... I think my 6 words would have to be my Granny's favorite quote.. she'd always say if things weren't going so good "Hang on, this too will pass", and if things WERE going good, she'd say "Hang on, this too will pass". And those 6 little words have kept my feet firmly planted on the ground and hope alive in my heart ...
So no matter what situation you find yourself in, "Hang on ... this, too will pass" !
Beautiful post Cookie....yes, it's all about Grace!
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